One Size Does Not Fit All with Sales Team Development JenEMiller April 12, 2023

One Size Does Not Fit All with Sales Team Development

When it comes to sales, I’m an optimist to the core. I truly believe those who’ve chosen sales as a profession intentionally seek personal and professional development along their journeys. 

I make an assumption that each sales person, team, and leader are all trying to improve. 

Maybe that’s why I so thoroughly enjoy working with A players – those who are already strong and want to be stronger. 

Throughout this April and May, my Wednesday blog posts will be specifically about sales development, beginning with a four-part series on how one size does not fit all. 

Sometimes it just doesn’t make sense to expect an entire sales force – most likely with widely varying experiences, geographies, ages, tenure, and expertise – to think, act, and behave exactly the same, or to attend the same trainings, or hit the same goals and milestones. 

It’s easy to fall into this trap. Especially if an organization runs lean in leadership or training and development, or has a small sales team. It takes time, effort, and sometimes investment to do things differently. But, in the long run, it’s worth it. 100% for sure. 

Whether we are talking specifically about sales development, sales effectiveness, sales training, sales leadership, or sales strategy, better understanding a current team’s needs is a great first step. 

In upcoming posts, we’ll explore the following:

  • Different training needs for different sub-sets of sales teams, and the benefit of individual training plans
  • What sales effectiveness is and how your organization can make huge strides with results by focusing on future plans
  • How to get started if sales training and development should be on your radar, including commentary on how high-touch and custom training is not as expensive as some assume it to be

In the meantime, let’s set up time to talk if you are interested in learning more about what you can do immediately for your sales teams to propel them to greatness. 

(photo credit Ben Weber)