Building a Strong and Trusted Network JenEMiller October 11, 2023

Building a Strong and Trusted Network

This week has already included several incredible networking experiences for me personally and professionally – and it’s only Wednesday!

I’ve been in Denver, more specifically on University of Denver’s campus, attending events and meetings in conjunction with DU’s Transportation and Supply Chain Institute.

The business leaders I met and talked with these last few days are experts in their fields, give selflessly of their time and talents to the next generation, and serve on an educational board of directors for the executive master’s program itself.

Everyone seemed to be enjoying the networking opportunities – both the formal and informal time that had been built into the agenda. And in 1:1 conversations, leaders at all stages of their careers commented how invaluable a trusted network is for them individually.

These last few days have me thinking about two of my blog posts about networking from 2019.

Networking in your career is a journey. It most definitely takes time, effort, and intentionality. And as I’ve shared over the years, way too many business professionals leave this connecting opportunity to chance instead of being purposeful about it.

Whether you are wanting more context about virtual networking building, specifically with LinkedIn, or building confidence and intentionality with in-person events, here are two relevant posts that could help.

  1. Building Your Trusted LinkedIn Network is a great place to spend time and effort
  2. Attending In-Person Networking Events can set the stage for incredible business partnerships in the future

Over the decades I’ve attended (and planned/hosted) hundreds of events, in both paid and volunteer capacities. Bringing professionals together and giving space and momentum to this element of leadership development is critical.

And a very special shout out today to my dear friend and former colleague Ryan Bowers who continues to encourage me to put time for events and networking on my calendar, even during my intense start-up phase for my new company Jen E Miller & Associates, where it feels like I could work all day every day to build out the vision I have for my firm’s future. She’s forwarding emails for events I should consider, including a fundraiser I’m heading to next week.

Business networking, both virtually through LinkedIn and in-person through events and experiences, is even more well-timed in the fourth quarter, as teams and individuals are looking ahead and planning 2024.

And, remember, you’ve got this!


(Photo credit Jon Tyson on Unsplash)