July 19, 2023 Summer Networking – Amazingly Easy and Perfectly TimedIf you’ve met me in real life, you know that I am a huge fan of human connection...
July 12, 2023 How Do You Make Your Clients Feel?There are thinkers and there are feelers. Can you instantly categorize yourself? What about those you live with?...
July 5, 2023 Time to Buy a New Roller BagThe day after a holiday calls for a short post on a light-hearted topic. I just couldn't imagine...
June 28, 2023 Adding a New Habit Could Lead to Sales SuccessWe have been told over and over and over that it takes 21 days to form a new...
June 21, 2023 A Short Summer Reading ListToday, it's officially summer! And I'm celebrating summer solstice with a summer reading list for you and your...
June 14, 2023 Time Management and a Book for Your Summer Reading ListSummer officially starts next week...even if many of us sometimes might habitually mark the beginning of summer with...
June 7, 2023 What a Book Can Teach Us about LeadershipWe all have our favorite leadership books. Sometimes they are recommendations from friends. Sometimes given to us at...
May 31, 2023 The Accountability Discussion with Sales Training & DevelopmentMost of April and May's Wednesday blog posts have been about how one size most definitely doesn't fit...
May 24, 2023 10 Ways to Focus on Individual Sales Training Plans10 Things Any Business Can Do to Focus on Individual Sales Training Plans Remember our theme - one...
May 17, 2023 Summer Fridays Have Never Felt So GoodWork with Jen E Miller & Associates on a Friday in June or August - and YOU pick...